1.   Boarding and rummage of a merchant vessel presents no particular problem to us.

2.   When required for use in war, large numbers of merchant vessels were impressed adhoc.

3.   He moved rapidly down-river to Rouen where a number of merchant vessels had been driven in by the exceptional tide, and requisitioned twenty-eight boats.

4.   Typically, the arming of a merchant vessel involved mounting eight six-inch guns on the ship.

5.   We lost an awful lot of merchant vessels, and in any case we wanted those boats to bring armaments across, not food.

6.   American officials said that the ships were coastal merchant vessels that are common in the warm, relatively shallow waters around Pakistan.

7.   After the war, he took U.S. citizenship and was captain of American merchant vessels.

8.   Allied ships hail passing merchant vessels by radio and ask them about their cargo, destination and registry.

9.   By early Thursday, the Gettysburg and the Halyburton had arrived to join the merchant vessels in an arc around the Achille Lauro, and the transfer began.

a. + vessel >>共 738
naval 8.60%
fishing 6.95%
navy 4.38%
japanese 3.05%
chinese 2.50%
foreign 2.25%
small 2.16%
merchant 1.91%
the 1.91%
military 1.62%
merchant + n. >>共 108
bank 36.36%
ship 12.73%
vessel 8.70%
banker 5.84%
banking 4.68%
class 2.86%
seaman 2.73%
shipping 1.95%
mariner 1.30%
fleet 1.17%
每页显示:    共 67