1.   Gephardt could also help Gore mend ties with organized labor, which is angry at the vice president for his support of free trade pacts.

2.   He needs to mend his ties with Capitol Hill in the months ahead when military reform is likely to face its most crucial budget tests.

3.   Japanese officials, apparently seeing a rare opportunity to mend ties with their neighbor, seem ready to reciprocate by making an unusually humble apology for the colonial past.

4.   Still, the Clinton administration moved quickly to mend ties, and the Chinese, as soon as wounded pride would allow, reopened their doors to American officials.

5.   Until now, the reformers have been skittish about taking on sensitive foreign policy issues like mending ties with Washington.

6.   Papoulias managed to mend ties when he visited Tirana in March, but only after the five ethnic Greeks had been released.

7.   After coming close to war three times in the past three decades, Turkey and Greece have been mending ties in recent years.

8.   Arafat was to have met with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus on Wednesday in an effort to mend ties that have been troubled for years.

9.   Both sides signaled eagerness to mend tattered ties, and Washington and Beijing agreed to resume negotiations on getting China into the World Trade Organization.

10.   But instead of mending ties, the rice shipments for poverty stricken communist North created more.

v. + tie >>共 591
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sever 5.13%
maintain 4.42%
break 3.74%
establish 3.40%
cut 3.37%
forge 2.45%
boost 1.75%
mend 0.51%
mend + n. >>共 112
fence 36.55%
relation 10.89%
tie 7.15%
way 6.22%
rift 4.67%
relationship 2.95%
wound 1.56%
net 1.40%
bone 1.24%
economy 1.24%
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