1.   According to the interference theory, animals forget things not because memory fades but because other memories displace them.

2.   Surely he was only afraid his memories might fade, leaving him dispossessed.

3.   The painful memories eventually faded from her consciousness.

4.   Write down how you felt before the memory fades.

5.   But even Wharton admits that as Bowl memories fade, the Broncos may find themselves underdogs once again.

6.   But even in Minamata, memories are fading.

7.   But just as memories fade, so do color photos.

8.   But memories fade, and cash in the bank can sometimes look like forever.

9.   But the memory never fades.

10.   But those ugly memories have faded with the prosperity and more relaxed political atmosphere of recent years.

n. + fade >>共 682
hope 5.06%
memory 3.04%
light 2.15%
smile 1.84%
concern 1.33%
color 1.33%
optimism 1.20%
image 1.20%
flower 1.20%
issue 1.14%
memory + v. >>共 309
be 42.55%
come 3.36%
remain 2.83%
fade 2.83%
linger 2.18%
make 2.00%
serve 1.94%
haunt 1.47%
seem 1.24%
have 1.18%
每页显示:    共 48