1.   It is what Freud called in a memorable phrase, an impoverishment of the ego on a grand scale.

2.   The state of nature, ac according to the most memorable phrase in the book, er, made life nasty, brutish and short.

3.   Britten himself put this well, if guardedly, when he wrote that good recitative should transform the natural intonations and rhythms of everyday speech into memorable musical phrases.

4.   But he now knows that for better or worse, plaintive wail might well be the most memorable phrase he ever turns.

5.   Courtly and well read, Bashir coined scores of memorable political phrases that were widely quoted over the years but not always attributed to him.

6.   Every era has spawned memorable phrases.

7.   He never upstages his boss, nor coins any memorable phrases that rivals could use against him.

8.   In his rhetoric, there was nothing comparable to memorable phrases spoken by two former presidents in divided Berlin during the Cold War.

9.   In that memorable phrase McCain caught what has happened to the conservative movement and the Republican Party.

a. + phrase >>共 463
key 3.03%
catchy 2.38%
same 2.27%
short 2.05%
english 1.84%
last 1.73%
musical 1.51%
new 1.41%
memorable 1.41%
simple 1.30%
memorable + n. >>共 460
moment 7.26%
experience 3.33%
day 3.19%
performance 3.19%
one 2.89%
season 2.15%
night 2.07%
game 2.07%
character 2.00%
play 1.41%
phrase 0.96%
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