1.   At no time should any crew member jump off a dragon boat.

2.   Audience members jumped to their fleet to applaud.

3.   A year after the crackdown in Tiananmen Square, IAAV members jumped outside Beijing.

4.   Her three crew members jumped overboard and were saved.

5.   Last fall, some members jumped in Serbia.

6.   Members of parliament jumped all over each other, trying to get the most publicity by denouncing the most people.

7.   Sometimes cast members would jump over a fallen performer in a spirit of malicious triumph.

8.   So many House members are jumping on the Bush bandwagon because he is so far ahead in the polls that they see him as inevitable.

9.   The founding members just jumped into the market to get started.

10.   There were storms in the Mediterranean so severe that a crew member jumped ship in Cadiz, Spain.

n. + jump >>共 798
price 6.10%
man 5.14%
people 3.53%
stock 2.21%
company 1.65%
future 1.53%
fan 1.24%
passenger 1.24%
player 1.16%
investor 1.12%
member 0.88%
member + v. >>共 800
be 14.84%
say 8.92%
have 3.40%
include 1.50%
vote 1.26%
want 1.09%
take 1.09%
agree 1.03%
meet 0.93%
make 0.78%
jump 0.09%
每页显示:    共 22