1.   Gang members have committed ferocious acts of violence.

2.   In his letter, Rohrabacher says other House members have committed more serious infractions than Gingrich and received letters of reproval.

3.   The gang members committed dozens of armed robberies.

4.   Members commit themselves to a weekly meeting and visitations.

5.   And somewhat like cult members who committed mass suicide in Guyana on orders from leader Jim Jones.

6.   Admitting new members would rashly commit America to the armed, and potentially nuclear, defense of the newcomers.

7.   Gang members also committed robberies and ran extortion schemes and protection rackets, and sometimes resorted to murder to enforce their grip, according to prosecutors.

8.   He noted that many members had committed to Bonior prior to the elections and others were difficult to find during the holiday week.

9.   He committed only three of the six murders to which he pleaded guilty, he said, while other cult members committed the rest.

n. + commit >>共 571
remains 6.36%
man 3.05%
government 3.01%
soldier 2.41%
people 2.32%
force 2.15%
company 2.10%
troop 1.98%
agreement 1.72%
side 1.50%
member 1.42%
member + v. >>共 800
be 14.84%
say 8.92%
have 3.40%
include 1.50%
vote 1.26%
want 1.09%
take 1.09%
agree 1.03%
meet 0.93%
make 0.78%
commit 0.14%
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