1.   And for those who are not involved in organized religion, the meditation techniques are said to bring better health and greater insight.

2.   Falun Gong considers itself to be a branch of qigong, the traditional Chinese exercise and meditation technique, believed by many to have healing powers.

3.   Hart, who has two small children, teaches meditation techniques to kids at the meetings and also discusses basic Buddhist beliefs with them.

4.   Instruction in arcane Buddhist meditation techniques, some once confined to remote Tibetan monasteries, is now almost as easy to find as yoga or karate training.

5.   Practice meditation techniques to calm yourself and keep you from overreacting to stressful situations.

6.   There are many articles in medical journals on this meditation technique.

7.   The temple has throngs of adherents who believe that the meditation techniques taught by its leader, Phra Dammachayo, brought them mystical visions and inner peace.

8.   Van Zoest noted that mainstream Dutch churches are incorporating elements of alternative spirituality, such as Eastern meditation techniques and flower rituals, into their own worship.

9.   Her program also encouraged prisoners to learn meditation techniques, allowed them to elect their own councils and instituted an efficient complaints system.

n. + technique >>共 826
management 4.65%
relaxation 2.68%
production 1.75%
computer 1.59%
survival 1.48%
construction 1.20%
research 1.09%
laboratory 0.82%
simulation 0.82%
measurement 0.77%
meditation 0.49%
meditation + n. >>共 53
group 12.92%
sect 9.55%
room 7.30%
exercise 6.18%
session 6.18%
center 5.62%
movement 5.06%
technique 5.06%
pose 3.93%
class 3.37%
每页显示:    共 9