1.   The Nobels started Monday with the naming of medicine prize winners, followed by the physics award on Tuesday and chemistry and economics on Wednesday.

2.   The medicine prize winners Monday were Americans Edward Lewis and Eric Wieschaus, and German Christiane Nuesslein-Volhard, for deciphering which genes control the growth of embryos.

3.   The medicine winners Monday were Americans Edward Lewis and Eric Wieschaus, and German Christiane Nuesslein-Volhard, who discovered how genes control embryo growth.

4.   The medicine winners Monday were Americans Edward Lewis and Eric Wieschaus, and German Christiane Nuesslein-Volhard.

5.   The Nobels, which celebrate their centennial this year, started Monday with the naming of the medicine prize winners, followed by the physics prize on Tuesday.

n. + winner >>共 395
service 7.24%
group 6.40%
medal 5.60%
three-time 4.80%
prize 4.62%
award 4.22%
surprise 2.62%
four-time 2.40%
year 2.25%
five-time 1.96%
medicine 0.18%
medicine + n. >>共 160
cabinet 18.86%
bottle 6.82%
prize 5.23%
practitioner 2.95%
price 2.95%
shortage 2.05%
shop 2.05%
woman 2.05%
clinic 1.82%
specialist 1.82%
winner 1.14%
每页显示:    共 5