1.   In addition to disease and medication, biological factors may include inherited disturbances in brain chemistry, some of which can be corrected by medications like Prozac.

2.   The governor said he and his doctor decided in January to schedule the procedure because they felt the medication was not correcting it.

3.   The problem has been corrected by medication, but even now, it is said, Ms. Qian tires easily.

4.   They said she stopped taking medication prescribed to correct a bipolar psychological disorder, claiming that the drugs made her hair fall out.

n. + correct >>共 249
step 6.87%
surgery 5.36%
market 3.00%
company 2.58%
action 1.93%
problem 1.93%
official 1.50%
voter 1.29%
time 1.29%
heart 1.07%
medication 0.86%
medication + v. >>共 160
be 23.00%
help 7.41%
control 6.46%
cause 4.75%
work 2.85%
have 2.28%
treat 1.90%
prevent 1.90%
make 1.52%
fail 1.33%
correct 0.76%
每页显示:    共 4