1.   It can be seen that the lone elderly had the lowest median income levels and also the most restricted range of income.

2.   Median income growth among educated women, especially those contributing to a two-income household, raised incomes along the upper end.

3.   And median household income in New York is about in the middle of the national pack.

4.   As indicated above, it is illegal immigration more than legal immigration that slows linguistic integration and hurts Hispanic median income figures.

5.   As might be expected, the well-educated live in towns that are predominantly white, have the highest median household incomes, and where married couples are the norm.

6.   At the same time, median income has leveled off after years of growth.

7.   A more relevant statistic, Caffyn suggests, might be median family income.

8.   Additionally, the real median income of middle-class New England families grew one-third faster than national family income.

9.   Business leaders fear that the growing gap between median income and median housing prices threatens the broader economy.

10.   But over the last decade, the cost of college has soared in comparison to median income.

a. + income >>共 633
fixed 5.26%
net 5.01%
disposable 4.33%
personal 3.81%
higher 3.75%
low 3.48%
family 3.25%
lower 3.03%
taxable 2.71%
household 2.33%
median 1.30%
median + n. >>共 81
income 26.71%
price 13.36%
age 6.16%
survival 5.14%
voter 3.77%
value 2.40%
line 2.05%
mark 2.05%
duration 2.05%
earnings 1.37%
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