1.   Andrew Saxton, a champion weightlifter and major medal hope for Britain, was obviously upset when he emerged to protest his innocence against drug taking this afternoon.

2.   A victory Wednesday against Croatia would further improve their medal hopes.

3.   But no one publicly will say it jeopardizes U.S. medal hopes in Atlanta.

4.   Fourteen-year-old Dominique Moceanu, the youngest and strongest U.S. medal hope in gymnastics.

5.   Going into the next Olympic season, he seemed a strong medal hope.

6.   Holly McPeak and Nancy Reno crumbled - as did the medal hopes of the American favorites in beach volleyball - from their rift.

7.   The Aussies are even downplaying their own medal hopes, lest they be disappointed.

8.   The victory gave new value to U.S. gold medal hopes.

9.   The United States team, men in particular, has come to Nagano without much medal hope.

10.   U.S. medal hopes swell-- perhaps unrealistically.

n. + hope >>共 420
playoff 10.84%
title 5.30%
official 4.24%
medal 3.67%
government 3.02%
company 2.36%
championship 2.36%
offer 2.20%
peace 2.04%
investor 1.96%
medal + n. >>共 204
winner 9.29%
contender 8.08%
ceremony 7.78%
game 5.07%
stand 4.10%
favorite 3.92%
contention 3.74%
standing 3.56%
table 3.44%
count 3.38%
hope 2.71%
每页显示:    共 45