1.   He said the Saudis had moved two mechanised brigades and one armoured brigade toward the border.

2.   Meanwhile, Russian troops are to start withdrawing, eventually leaving one brigade of interior ministry troops and one mechanised brigade of army troops in Chechnya.

3.   Russia is to keep one brigade of interior troops and one mechanised brigade of federal army troops in Chechnya.

4.   Russia is to leave behind one brigade of interior ministry troops and one mechanised brigade of army troops in Chechnya.

a. + brigade >>共 128
russian 6.33%
mobile 5.06%
elite 4.11%
joint 3.48%
military 3.48%
the 3.16%
multinational 3.16%
special 2.85%
armored 2.53%
international 2.22%
mechanised 1.27%
mechanised + n. >>共 8
brigade 28.57%
dredge 14.29%
infantry 14.29%
transport 14.29%
army 7.14%
battalion 7.14%
farming 7.14%
unit 7.14%
每页显示:    共 4