1.   A temperature stick is a one-time-use gadget that changes color when the meat has reached the proper temperature.

2.   Meat prices have begun to rise, because no new British meat has reached the market in a week, and many supermarkets are reporting beef and pork shortages.

3.   Beef sales have plunged by half in France since news surfaced last month that potentially infected meat reached supermarket shelves.

4.   Chicken carcasses are subject to additional cleansing after they pass the inspectors, so all fecal material should be eliminated before the meat reaches consumers, industry officials say.

5.   Critics said the plan would allow contaminated meat to reach schools.

6.   So far, there were no indications contaminated meat had reached consumers.

7.   The department does not believe that unsafe meat is reaching consumers, Hulebak said this week.

n. + reach >>共 1026
telephone 4.90%
side 3.16%
team 1.81%
company 1.54%
party 1.04%
phone 0.98%
negotiator 0.90%
government 0.89%
convoy 0.85%
jury 0.83%
meat 0.07%
meat + v. >>共 167
be 49.39%
have 4.37%
come 3.03%
become 2.06%
cook 1.58%
begin 1.21%
cause 0.97%
make 0.97%
carry 0.85%
reach 0.85%
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