1.   Ten consumer groups, along with some veterinarians and meat inspectors, are urging even tougher action.

2.   As always, anyone dealing with health and safety, like air traffic controllers and meat inspectors, would remain on the job.

3.   Before that, meat inspectors relied entirely on sight, touch and smell to detect unsafe meat.

4.   After all, meat inspectors must detect telltale blemishes, diamond appraisers must spot gradations of color, and bus drivers must react to stoplights.

5.   He said that terrorism experts had said legislation might be needed to assure that the water supply was protected or that meat inspectors could detect intentional contamination.

6.   It will also direct federal meat inspectors to look at the bones more carefully before the residual meat is taken off.

7.   Meat inspectors mainly examine food for bumps and bruises, not for bacterial contamination.

8.   Retired from his veterinary practice, Thomas was training for a new career -- as a federal meat inspector.

9.   She spent two years learning how to inspect meat from a retired meat inspector named Joe Dowd.

10.   That followed a USDA investigation that found Hostater had intercepted and opened U.S. mail meant for a federal meat inspector.

n. + inspector >>共 226
weapon 44.04%
arm 11.40%
tax 5.87%
police 5.80%
health 3.09%
government 2.92%
city 2.65%
custom 2.61%
safety 1.56%
immigration 1.09%
meat 0.92%
meat + n. >>共 339
product 7.28%
industry 4.43%
market 3.81%
pie 3.19%
thermometer 3.03%
mixture 2.80%
dish 2.75%
counter 2.18%
processor 2.18%
company 2.02%
inspector 1.51%
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