1.   Strain fat from skillet and strain through paper towel into heatproof measuring cup.

2.   You will also need a measuring cup, a teaspoon, and a tablespoon.

3.   Before serving, decant juices from pan into a large measuring cup and let fat separate to the top.

4.   Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth, then force through a fine sieve into a large glass measuring cup.

5.   A measuring cup.

6.   Carefully pour batter evenly into lined pans or pour all batter into large measuring cup with a lip and pour into liners.

7.   Combine the milk and anise extract in a measuring cup.

8.   Combine the broth, vinegar and mustard in a measuring cup.

9.   Combine the broth, wine, molasses and pepper in a measuring cup.

10.   Considering using measuring cups with the measurements on on the wrong side and butter knives that you had to turn upside down.

a. + cup >>共 425
coffee 11.30%
plastic 9.39%
measuring 3.69%
small 2.88%
european 2.48%
empty 2.36%
suction 2.02%
second 1.96%
tin 1.84%
tiny 1.79%
measuring + n. >>共 173
stick 18.77%
cup 11.90%
device 8.18%
instrument 3.90%
system 2.60%
spoon 2.23%
success 1.86%
equipment 1.49%
quality 1.49%
tape 1.49%
每页显示:    共 64