1.   The measure also would widen the mix of public housing tenants to include a greater percentage of the somewhat higher-income working poor.

2.   At the time, Clinton asserted that the measure would widen the four-year war and drag U.S. forces into the fighting.

3.   Clinton said the measure would widen the war and drag U.S. force into the fighting.

4.   Clinton said the measure would widen the war and drag U.S. forces into the fighting.

5.   He asserted that the measure would widen the four-year war and drag U.S. forces into the fighting.

6.   He asserted that the measure would widen the four-year war and drag American forces into the fighting.

7.   He asserts that the measure will widen the four-year war and drag American forces into the fighting.

8.   He said the measure would widen the four-year war and drag U.S. forces into the fighting.

n. + widen >>共 268
eye 8.98%
gap 8.46%
deficit 5.99%
loss 4.82%
spread 2.99%
scandal 2.08%
police 2.08%
investigation 1.95%
strike 1.30%
divide 1.17%
measure 1.04%
measure + v. >>共 748
be 22.45%
include 6.45%
have 3.10%
pass 3.09%
go 2.58%
require 2.05%
allow 1.63%
fail 1.59%
make 1.57%
come 1.48%
widen 0.10%
每页显示:    共 8