1.   Business, after all, exists to maximize profits.

2.   But it should come as no shock that the oil industry is out to maximize profits.

3.   Every firm tries to maximize its profits.

4.   He is meticulous in developing, implementing and maintaining systems which minimize inventory and maximize profit.

5.   Is the goal to maximize corporate profits for the few or to meet all basic human needs and protect the Earth?

6.   On the supply side, firms maximize profits and entry occurs until the Marginal firm can only just break even.

7.   The technicians and experts simply mirror this reality as they squabble over the means to maximize profits for their respective ruling classes.

8.   In order to maximize profit the firm would seek to maximize output.

9.   It makes sense to buy at dealer prices so you can maximize your profits if you resell.

10.   The pharmacist was convicted of selling adulterate drugs in order to maximize profits.

v. + profit >>共 638
make 9.97%
take 7.65%
boost 6.61%
turn 5.52%
hurt 4.83%
report 2.72%
increase 2.34%
generate 1.94%
reap 1.92%
earn 1.81%
maximize 0.96%
maximize + n. >>共 218
profit 13.60%
return 4.78%
value 4.78%
chance 3.91%
efficiency 3.47%
revenue 2.75%
income 2.32%
ability 2.03%
space 2.03%
potential 2.03%
每页显示:    共 93