1.   But it is the way you treat each other which matters most.

2.   For the people, it was the exposure of their culture and arts that mattered the most.

3.   This matters most in fuzzy, creative processes such as product development.

4.   He had all the skills, but there was also a huge question mark over his ability to produce the goods when it mattered most.

5.   What matters most is the result, so entertainment will not be the highest priority.

6.   And from her grave, she taught me an invaluable lesson about the things that matter most.

7.   And for any professional athlete, money matters most.

8.   And it has been the memory of Ms. Tantaquidgeon that mattered most.

9.   And it was the notch that matters most.

10.   And that is the thing that matters the most.

v. + most >>共 694
spend 15.56%
make 6.80%
do 3.94%
get 3.34%
have 2.38%
suffer 2.30%
benefit 2.22%
matter 2.19%
control 1.97%
take 1.62%
matter + n. >>共 33
most 79.46%
lot 10.81%
much 0.81%
whit 0.54%
cost 0.54%
circumstance 0.54%
decay 0.27%
dollar 0.27%
erm 0.27%
feature 0.27%
每页显示:    共 292