1.   Teaching materials need to be culturally appropriate.

2.   Draughtproofing materials need not be expensive, are easy to fit and are available at most hardware and department stores.

3.   And he allows a too-deliberate pace to lessen the tight grip this material needs.

4.   ABC said in this case the material needed the context of the interview to be understandable.

5.   Otherwise, with the frenzied abandon this material needs, she throws herself into playing an equal-opportunity temptress in an anything-goes world.

6.   Painting and sewing projects are the mainstay here, with chapters devoted to each that list materials needed and describe the most common techniques.

7.   The material needs fleshing out.

8.   A common complain is that reading materials need to be held further away.

9.   He had gotten a lot of flak for using them on his last few albums, but argues that they were what that particular material sonically needed.

10.   This material needs no shoring up.

n. + need >>共 1173
company 3.39%
team 2.69%
people 2.61%
country 2.52%
government 2.44%
child 1.51%
investor 1.17%
system 0.93%
patient 0.91%
woman 0.86%
material 0.05%
material + v. >>共 415
be 40.61%
include 4.26%
come 3.21%
have 2.83%
use 1.58%
remain 1.10%
make 1.10%
fall 0.91%
go 0.81%
contain 0.77%
need 0.57%
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