1.   Government jobs and the opportunities which association with the government gives allow them the possibility of accumulating material goods.

2.   I worked hard, lived frugally, and denied myself material goods in order to achieve financial security.

3.   The American desire for material goods caused Europeans to dismiss them as philistines.

4.   His religion warns against coveting material goods.

5.   The growth of the middle class created a large group of potential buyers and the possibility that mass culture could be oriented around material goods.

6.   They speed up the circulation of material goods through advertising, which reduces the time between production and consumption.

7.   Americans have tried to provide comfort with material goods.

8.   Advocates of the Coca-colonization thesis identify culture with the consumption of material goods.

9.   Hence, the campaign for Turkey rests on research that indicates that as people age, many become more interested in collecting experiences instead of material goods.

10.   Indeed, some experts blame the Asian economic boom for propagating child prostitution by creating a demand for material goods.

a. + goods >>共 807
durable 7.72%
imported 5.38%
sporting 4.10%
manufactured 3.26%
stolen 3.03%
household 2.86%
foreign 2.60%
humanitarian 2.28%
japanese 2.15%
electronic 2.14%
material 0.42%
material + n. >>共 376
witness 15.21%
damage 9.18%
support 4.25%
thing 2.93%
world 2.76%
aid 2.47%
cost 1.95%
possession 1.89%
wealth 1.89%
comfort 1.84%
goods 1.78%
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