1.   A masonry bit will not work.

2.   Drill into the concrete with a masonry drill bit then insert the expansion plugs.

3.   Q. When drilling into concrete with a masonry bit, should you use a slow, fast, or medium speed?

4.   Remember to use a masonry bit, and not a standard high-speed drill bit, to bore the hole.

5.   This tool uses a special percussion masonry drill bit that can bore a hole in few seconds.

6.   Use a masonry bit in your electric drill.

7.   Using a masonry bit and a battery-operated drill, he broke through the mud to make holes for the stakes of his silhouette decoys.

8.   Using a masonry bit on a power drill will take days to drill those holes.

n. + bit >>共 217
drill 15.99%
bacon 4.82%
datum 2.54%
comedy 2.03%
masonry 2.03%
part 1.78%
bug 1.52%
computer 1.52%
litle 1.27%
butter 1.27%
masonry + n. >>共 73
sealer 12.10%
wall 10.83%
structure 5.73%
bit 5.10%
anchor 3.18%
facade 3.18%
building 3.18%
work 3.18%
company 2.55%
contractor 1.91%
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