1.   Mash the banana and add it to the batter.

2.   Mash the bananas and add them to the mixture.

3.   Mash the bananas to a pulp.

4.   Mash the bananas.

5.   Mash the bananas with a fork.

6.   In a small bowl, mash the banana with the back of a spoon.

7.   In a large bowl, mash bananas.

8.   You can easily mash the banana with a fork or process it in a small food processor.

v. + banana >>共 91
eat 10.24%
sell 5.85%
mash 3.90%
peel 3.41%
want 3.41%
grow 2.93%
slice 2.93%
use 2.93%
add 2.44%
bring 2.44%
mash + n. >>共 77
potato 37.67%
avocado 6.73%
banana 3.59%
mixture 2.69%
pulp 2.69%
anchovy 2.24%
garlic 2.24%
vegetable 2.24%
face 1.35%
ingredient 1.35%
每页显示:    共 8