1.   Global Surveyor has observed layers of sediment filling vast craters near the Martian equator in patterns similar to those found in lake beds on Earth.

2.   Scientists at Arizona State University have found a concentration of a mineral near the Martian equator that typically results from thermal activity.

3.   The efforts identified a massive network of ancient valleys now buried beneath a veneer of lava flows in the Tharsis region near the Martian equator.

4.   The recent Global Surveyor snapshots capture layered sediments in low-lying regions around the Martian equator.

a. + equator >>共 4
martian 57.14%
exact 14.29%
solar 14.29%
whole 14.29%
martian + n. >>共 110
surface 14.77%
atmosphere 13.80%
life 8.47%
meteorite 5.81%
rock 5.08%
soil 4.36%
landscape 2.66%
microbe 2.42%
climate 2.42%
terrain 1.94%
equator 0.97%
每页显示:    共 4