1.   Also, many people were waiting to see what happens when U.S. financial markets reopen.

2.   Analysts said the suit against Seita might also hurt share prices for Tabacalera when the market reopens in Madrid on Thursday.

3.   As the market reopened after the Easter break, German bonds held up better than U.S. bonds.

4.   A spontaneous movement has emerged to persuade Americans to buy stock as a patriotic gesture when markets reopen this week.

5.   A steep sell-off when the market reopens might be enough of a catalyst to send the bear market to the bottom, some analysts believe.

6.   All companies had to restore operations after equity markets reopened on Monday after a four-day shutdown.

7.   But few expect that when markets reopen Monday investors will react dramatically to the squabble, which involved naming a chief for the new European central bank.

8.   But such a halt could come early enough that the market would reopen late in the day with no more artificial floors.

9.   By releasing the decision on a Friday night, Jackson maximized the amount of time stock traders would have to digest it before markets reopen Monday.

10.   By the time the markets do reopen, the worst panic will probably be behind us.

n. + reopen >>共 342
market 10.85%
school 4.81%
airport 4.73%
government 2.87%
shop 2.71%
store 2.40%
building 2.17%
authority 2.09%
official 2.02%
prosecutor 1.63%
market + v. >>共 665
be 22.96%
remain 3.36%
close 3.26%
have 2.28%
continue 2.17%
fall 1.81%
open 1.72%
take 1.47%
react 1.39%
rise 1.36%
reopen 0.74%
每页显示:    共 139