1.   An official at market regulator Consob said the agency could not comment on any investigation into trading in specific companies.

2.   And during the summer, market regulators barred Streich from the industry, citing several violations of securities laws.

3.   At the same time, market regulators are starting to adopt rules that will govern the move of traditional brokerage firms to the trading of securities online.

4.   Authorities plan to locate market regulators, commercial banks and multi-national enterprises in the building, he said.

5.   A spokeswoman for the market regulator NAUFOR said fines were good for market discipline.

6.   Clearing firms are allowed wide discretion to raise margin requirements above the benchmarks set by the Federal Reserve and market regulators, with little notification.

7.   Commodity market regulators found no irregularities in futures trading, but farm groups pressed for action.

8.   French market regulators opened an inquiry into press reports suggesting CGIP was poised to acquire Cerus, sending shares of both companies surging before CGIP denied the reports.

9.   It also established an offshore finance center and set in play the merger of two market regulators.

10.   Market regulators in Germany, Italy, and Japan also began investigations to determine whether terrorist organizations profited financially there from short selling or futures trading.

n. + regulator >>共 150
government 22.03%
security 20.59%
bank 8.52%
industry 6.13%
market 4.41%
safety 2.87%
competition 2.30%
energy 2.11%
air 1.25%
telecommunication 1.25%
market + n. >>共 783
share 12.82%
economy 4.18%
condition 3.27%
reform 2.97%
sentiment 2.63%
participant 2.58%
force 2.36%
index 2.07%
leader 1.89%
analyst 1.75%
regulator 0.23%
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