1.   We will thus address profitably both local and global navigation market opportunities in addition to our mainstream precise positioning markets.

2.   These offer unique technical advantages over existing materials and will provide new market opportunities for our San Diego facility.

3.   New market opportunities allow for increased economies of scale, and the rationalisation of artificially segmented markets.

4.   Given the right level and mix of marketing support, a significant market opportunity can be created.

5.   Assistance available to companies will include practical help in identifying market opportunities and creating new product concepts to suit.

6.   At every turn, the government affects our market opportunities.

7.   Because many users of the original Wordperfect have not upgraded to versions that run with Windows, a big market opportunity remains, he said.

8.   A more cynical observer might say they had been rushed to cash in on a market opportunity.

9.   Adopting new WTO rules that mirror that agreement could open huge new market opportunities for U.S. telephone companies.

10.   But certain regions prefer types of beans found elsewhere, and distribution problems create market opportunities for American frijoles, she says.

n. + opportunity >>共 412
business 17.60%
investment 13.89%
job 12.51%
employment 6.46%
career 3.75%
growth 3.56%
power-play 2.45%
market 2.34%
trade 1.67%
work 1.04%
market + n. >>共 783
share 12.82%
economy 4.18%
condition 3.27%
reform 2.97%
sentiment 2.63%
participant 2.58%
force 2.36%
index 2.07%
leader 1.89%
analyst 1.75%
opportunity 0.32%
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