1.   Furniture.com is among many online retailers that are slashing costs and laying off employees, hoping that the capital markets will exhibit renewed interest in dot-coms.

2.   Like the market for PC operating systems, the video-game market exhibits strong network effects that protect incumbents.

3.   The market does exhibit signs that the sales drop could be short-lived.

4.   This year the market exhibited signs of snapping back.

5.   The French market exhibited nervousness in part because of German bank exposure in Russia.

n. + exhibit >>共 270
patient 4.66%
company 2.45%
artist 2.21%
museum 2.21%
economy 1.96%
child 1.96%
system 1.72%
gallery 1.47%
man 1.23%
market 1.23%
market + v. >>共 665
be 22.96%
remain 3.36%
close 3.26%
have 2.28%
continue 2.17%
fall 1.81%
open 1.72%
take 1.47%
react 1.39%
rise 1.36%
exhibit 0.03%
每页显示:    共 5