1.   Marks said he expects to hold hearings on the issue next year and probably will propose legislation to direct more resources toward combating white-collar crime.

2.   Marks said he would use the new building as a secondary space.

3.   Marks said that payments by Fleet to his group cover the cost of services provided to low-income borrowers.

4.   Marks said the classes will be a melding of wine, food and the arts.

5.   Marks said the floor was temporarily empty while Smith New Court combined its European and U.K. investment dealing operations into one Europe-wide business.

6.   Marks said the remarks were not tabulated because they were similar to responses in previous surveys.

7.   Marks said the union was considering filing an unfair labor practice grievance with the government, charging that Sprint had shut down La Conexion Familiar to stop union activities.

8.   Marks says that he has several interim candidates in mind and hopes one is named by May or June.

9.   Marks says the Fort Worth Dallas Ballet will probably name an artistic director by summer.

10.   Marks said bank officials of the newly created company must work quickly to heal rifts and bury potential problems from the past.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
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report 3.78%
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spokesman 3.05%
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expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
mark 0%
mark + v. >>共 239
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strengthen 2.91%
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