1.   And they vary the marinade ingredients according to the seafood.

2.   Arrange shrimp on top, letting marinade ingredients cling to them.

3.   Combine all marinade ingredients except yogurt in a food processor and process until finely chopped.

4.   Combine chopped pineapple and pineapple puree with remaining marinade ingredients.

5.   Combine marinade ingredients in a medium-size bowl and whisk together to combine.

6.   Combine marinade ingredients in a small mixing bowl, mixing to blend.

7.   Combine all marinade ingredients, mixing well.

8.   Combine all remaining marinade ingredients in a stainless steel bowl with a whisk.

9.   Combine all the marinade ingredients.

10.   Combine marinade ingredients and marinate chicken overnight in refrigerator.

n. + ingredient >>共 158
food 9.70%
marinade 8.71%
sauce 5.72%
salad 5.47%
biotech 3.73%
quality 3.23%
bomb 2.49%
sarin 1.74%
cigarette 1.24%
glaze 1.24%
marinade + n. >>共 9
ingredient 77.78%
paste 4.44%
recipe 4.44%
brush 2.22%
chicken 2.22%
dressing 2.22%
pour 2.22%
process 2.22%
sauce 2.22%
每页显示:    共 35