1.   Through it the legions of Claudius and Nero had set off on their march along Watling Street nearly two thousand years ago.

2.   As in July last year, an impasse developed between Orangemen and police over the annual march along the route.

3.   Dole, who has spent a political lifetime preaching fiscal discipline, could do little but march along every painful step of the way.

4.   He said residents have organized anti-drug marches along the Grand Concourse in each of the last few summers to show their resolve against the ingrained drug trade.

5.   No clashes were reported during the hourlong march along four lanes of an eight-lane boulevard.

6.   Protestants have vowed to march along the walls of this divided city on Saturday despite barricades, barbed wire and armed troops.

7.   The march along the Lower Ormeau Road passed peacefully Friday morning , though with signs of antagonism on both sides.

8.   The march along the Lower Ormeau Road passed without violence but with plenty of antagonism on both sides.

9.   The march along the main boulevard, Reforma, halted traffic in all directions throughout downtown Mexico.

10.   The ralliers originally had promised to march along the sidewalks.

n. + along >>共 1381
troop 1.97%
area 1.57%
town 1.02%
way 0.99%
village 0.96%
point 0.95%
position 0.77%
patrol 0.72%
security 0.67%
force 0.67%
march 0.15%
march + p. >>共 64
in 16.14%
to 14.45%
through 12.76%
on 11.66%
by 5.54%
toward 5.01%
against 4.43%
from 3.23%
into 3.18%
for 2.75%
along 0.92%
每页显示:    共 19