1.   Behind the prohibitions lies a determination by the communist leadership that nothing should mar the celebrations.

2.   But celebrations were marred by more than a dozen deaths in road traffic accidents.

3.   But the celebrations were marred by rioting.

4.   But the celebration was marred by clashes between drunken soccer fans, Parisian youths and riot police.

5.   Expecting the same mass protests that marred celebrations last year, police checked people entering the square, patting many down and inspecting their bags.

6.   Police expected the same mass protests that marred celebrations last year, but still the suicide attempt only hours before threatened protests surprised them.

7.   The celebrations have been marred by allegations that the wife of Greek socialist Premier Andreas Papandreou may be trying to take advantage of the publicity to promote herself politically.

8.   The arrest came amid heightened security aimed at making sure terrorism did not mar millennium celebrations.

9.   The celebration was marred by a traffic accident in which three people died.

10.   The celebrations were marred by reports from Australia that guests arriving at the Indonesian consulate in Melbourne Thursday were heckled and kicked by protesters from East Timor.

v. + celebration >>共 250
attend 9.97%
plan 8.50%
hold 7.97%
join 3.88%
cancel 3.25%
disrupt 1.99%
mar 1.89%
spark 1.89%
start 1.78%
ban 1.68%
mar + n. >>共 278
election 10.03%
campaign 4.79%
game 4.46%
race 3.23%
vote 2.79%
match 2.79%
relation 2.79%
celebration 2.01%
event 2.01%
day 1.56%
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