1.   He took no notes -- why would Winterbotham bother?

2.   People living in remote areas are being urged to make a note of the map references of their homes -- because it could save their lives.

3.   He says that if the ambulancemen had a map reference they might have found him sooner.

4.   Anywhere in the country can be given a map reference.

5.   West Mercia police, who are pioneering the gridline scheme, want people in rural areas to learn their map references.

n. + reference >>共 126
character 8.61%
drug 5.33%
job 4.51%
pop-culture 4.51%
time 3.28%
map 2.87%
culture 2.46%
grid 2.05%
movie 2.05%
film 1.64%
map + n. >>共 135
maker 6.44%
projection 4.55%
pocket 3.79%
reading 3.79%
room 3.41%
datum 2.65%
reference 2.65%
showing 2.27%
coordinate 2.27%
display 2.27%
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