1.   Map projections are needed in order to display the three-dimensional Earth on a two-dimensional piece of paper.

2.   Great circle routes plot as straight lines on some map projections such as the Gnomonic.

3.   Miller and Reddy give a number of subroutines in the Pascal language for the production of maps using different map projections, and illustrate their use.

4.   Snyder is a useful source of information on map projections, with many worked examples showing the mathematical principles underlying the major map projections.

5.   Constraints set by different map projections, or by map borders, can be overcome by the computer.

6.   State the properties of the Mercator and Zenithal Equal-area map projections.

7.   A raw Landsat TM or MSS image does not conform to any standard map projection.

n. + projection >>共 155
earnings 10.80%
revenue 10.47%
budget 8.67%
growth 6.55%
profit 5.07%
computer 3.60%
television 3.44%
population 3.11%
government 2.78%
deficit 2.13%
map 1.96%
map + n. >>共 135
maker 6.44%
projection 4.55%
pocket 3.79%
reading 3.79%
room 3.41%
datum 2.65%
reference 2.65%
showing 2.27%
coordinate 2.27%
display 2.27%
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