1.   If there was no map information available then the order and orientation of the contigs was random, but the order of probes within each contig was stable.

2.   AAA gets a lot of its map information from state departments of transportation, but its researchers want some things confirmed firsthand.

3.   Map information is stored on CD-ROMs or DVDs, which are usually loaded into the computer.

4.   The map information can be downloaded into a GPS or personal computer from a CD, such as one provided by Fishing Hot Spots, a map company.

5.   The map information comes from data bases of Etak, a subsidiary of the Sony Corp. of America.

n. + information >>共 901
intelligence 6.50%
background 3.26%
health 2.88%
customer 1.97%
consumer 1.77%
travel 1.69%
account 1.57%
contact 1.57%
business 1.54%
government 1.54%
map 0.13%
map + n. >>共 135
maker 6.44%
projection 4.55%
pocket 3.79%
reading 3.79%
room 3.41%
datum 2.65%
reference 2.65%
showing 2.27%
coordinate 2.27%
display 2.27%
information 1.89%
每页显示:    共 5