1.   A local microcomputer is like a manual record system which can be accessible to all levels of staff.

2.   The Edinburgh library staff would like to remind users that there are still books on loan under the old manual system.

3.   The online catalogue has exposed obstacles to effective retrieval which library and catalogue users have faced all along in previous manual systems.

4.   This does not compare with the ease of reference to actual original documentation in the manual system outlined earlier in this chapter.

5.   This meant the immediate computerization of existing manual systems.

6.   This project looks at the replacement of traditional electro-mechanical and manual systems for recording timekeeping and attendance by micro-processor based devices.

7.   Underwriters previously used a laborious manual system to assess risk, cross-referencing data from maps, spreadsheets and technical data.

8.   In configuration control systems this is an extremely difficult and dangerous thing to do and is the root cause of many manual systems failing.

9.   LIBRAFILE produces instant information on the status of books and borrowers which is very difficult with a manual system.

10.   Another test of the manual system earlier this year, when American Jerry Linenger was aboard Mir, resulted in a near-collision as well.

a. + system >>共 925
new 7.36%
banking 3.04%
financial 3.02%
current 3.01%
political 2.87%
legal 2.87%
judicial 1.85%
such 1.39%
old 1.33%
sound 1.13%
manual 0.10%
manual + n. >>共 192
recount 31.48%
transmission 10.28%
labor 6.75%
typewriter 6.12%
worker 3.30%
count 3.22%
system 2.67%
gearbox 2.35%
control 2.28%
laborer 2.04%
每页显示:    共 34