1.   Action with a scraper and wire brush, using manual labour, would give the desired result.

2.   Many women do hard manual labour.

3.   No photographer has better described manual labour in the heavy industries, or the settlements in which these industries are sited.

4.   This is particularly so for those involved in repetitive, unskilled manual labour.

5.   Women are systematically excluded from top managerial and professional jobs, as well as from skilled manual labour.

6.   Workers who once did strenuous manual labour picking wood for the grinders now sit at computer terminals.

7.   Skilled manual labour has largely disappeared, jobs are temporary and badly paid, and unemployment has rapidly increased as capital has removed elsewhere.

8.   I say, are we allowed to do manual labour?

9.   The knitting process is fullyautomated while the post-knitting process, which includes laundering,stitching and ironing, requires more manual labour.

10.   This has helped reduce the dependence upon manual labour and has also improved productivity.

a. + labour >>共 113
foreign 13.16%
cheap 11.55%
forced 11.09%
skilled 6.93%
organised 3.46%
unskilled 2.77%
manual 2.31%
free 2.08%
casual 2.08%
migrant 2.08%
manual + n. >>共 192
recount 31.48%
transmission 10.28%
labor 6.75%
typewriter 6.12%
worker 3.30%
count 3.22%
system 2.67%
gearbox 2.35%
control 2.28%
laborer 2.04%
labour 0.78%
每页显示:    共 10