1.   Most effective ideas for change come from rank-and-filers because they have more direct contact with customers than managers do.

2.   None of this sounds much different than what most fund managers do.

3.   That may not sound too startling, but it is far different from what most bond managers do.

4.   Taken together, they argue that managers should listen to their moms and that moms should act as managers do.

5.   University officials, doing what smart managers do, called in a consultant.

n. + do >>共 435
people 4.34%
want 1.96%
man 1.96%
company 1.68%
thing 1.40%
have 1.26%
woman 1.26%
banco 1.12%
newspaper 1.12%
time 0.98%
manager 0.70%
manager + n. >>共 199
position 6.01%
change 3.66%
job 3.66%
index 3.39%
report 3.39%
meeting 2.87%
search 1.83%
rank 1.83%
survey 1.57%
candidate 1.31%
do 1.31%
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