1.   The top men race over thirty miles... the women twenty.

2.   The Prosecution claim the two men were racing their cars just before the accident happened.

3.   The jury has been told that it must decide whether or not the two men were racing their cars.

4.   As he pretended to watch a soap opera in Urdu on the flickering television set, a man raced downstairs to the basement restroom.

5.   Behind him, two well-dressed men raced down the hall to catch up.

6.   One man raced off to phone his girlfriend in Atlanta to report this remarkable development.

7.   The men raced first.

8.   The men then raced through midtown with their paltry booty, apparently taken as part of pledge activities for the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity, the police said.

9.   The man raced to save the boy.

10.   The two men raced on over surprisingly flat seas.

n. + race >>共 501
company 4.13%
ambulance 3.75%
heart 2.93%
horse 2.85%
car 2.78%
mind 2.40%
driver 2.10%
team 1.80%
worker 1.50%
people 1.50%
man 1.28%
man + v. >>共 806
be 16.98%
have 4.17%
say 2.59%
die 2.06%
take 1.23%
go 1.22%
come 1.10%
do 1.07%
wear 0.91%
make 0.90%
race 0.04%
每页显示:    共 17