1.   Finally, the weight of scientific evidence, wielded by an implacable defense attorney, got Miller released and another man indicted.

2.   The Globe reported on Tuesday that four men indicted for war crimes work as police officers in the Bosnian Serb towns of Prijedor and Omarska.

3.   There have been numerous calls for the arrest of Mladic and Karadzic, the two most infamous men indicted, but they normally are accompanied by armed guards.

4.   Three other men indicted in the scheme, including two who worked for Centennial, are also awaiting trial.

5.   The fourth man indicted over Kosovo, former Serbian interior minister Vlajko Stojiljkovic, committed suicide on the steps of the Yugoslav parliament.

n. + indict >>共 67
tribunal 26.77%
prosecutor 16.13%
court 11.29%
judge 4.84%
authority 4.52%
leader 3.87%
government 2.26%
man 1.61%
official 1.61%
panel 1.29%
man + v. >>共 806
be 16.98%
have 4.17%
say 2.59%
die 2.06%
take 1.23%
go 1.22%
come 1.10%
do 1.07%
wear 0.91%
make 0.90%
indict 0.01%
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