1.   Dozens of houses are in ruins, and soldiers continue to man checkpoints throughout the region.

2.   Israeli soldiers continue to man checkpoints outside Ramallah.

3.   Teen-agers armed with machine guns and belts of ammunition man checkpoints and fire celebratory bursts into the air.

4.   Police man checkpoints on roads and are even assigned seats at the opera.

5.   At present, Israeli troops man checkpoints on the roads, but most of the border area is open and can be crossed on foot.

6.   Police man checkpoints on roads and are assigned seats at the opera.

7.   The troops in Moscow, backed by armored vehicles, man checkpoints with police and control roads, power plants, government buildings, rail stations and bridges.

8.   The troops man checkpoints around Moscow together with police, and armored vehicles stand near all key government buildings.

9.   Troops now man checkpoints around Moscow together with police, and armored vehicles stand near all key government buildings.

10.   Troops continue to man checkpoints throughout the city, but more traffic is venturing into the streets.

n. + checkpoint >>共 84
security 23.28%
police 21.07%
army 18.95%
border 10.54%
airport 3.31%
road 1.87%
immigration 1.87%
rebel 1.53%
government 1.53%
custom 1.27%
man 0.85%
man + n. >>共 647
advantage 10.32%
accused 8.07%
dead 2.05%
shot 1.92%
coverage 1.46%
home 1.26%
police 1.26%
do 0.93%
hour 0.86%
fire 0.79%
checkpoint 0.66%
每页显示:    共 10