1.   As at other mall sites, clicking on a product switches you to another .com business.

2.   During much of the postwar shift to the suburbs, cars passing potential mall sites were more interesting to counters than were urban walkers.

3.   Two years ago, the mall site was occupied by an abandoned speedway and grape fields.

4.   The campaign for the mall site was star-studded, while the opposition was mostly ragtag.

5.   Polish authorities suspended building work at the mall site in existing buildings near the gates of the former concentration camp earlier this month amid a storm of international protest.

n. + site >>共 646
crash 10.42%
construction 7.97%
test 3.03%
weapon 2.80%
storage 2.54%
tourist 2.14%
auction 2.12%
missile 1.44%
accident 1.39%
bomb 1.31%
mall 0.05%
mall + n. >>共 164
store 8.27%
developer 6.15%
owner 5.67%
manager 4.26%
shopper 2.84%
walker 2.60%
traffic 2.36%
operator 2.13%
management 2.13%
rat 1.89%
site 1.18%
每页显示:    共 5