1.   NSAIDs may also trigger or exacerbate bleeding from vascular lesions with the intestine as well as malignant lesions.

2.   Ideally the initial investigation should be total colonoscopy as this will not only examine for malignant lesions but offers an opportunity to assess the mucosa for angiodysplasia.

3.   A lumpectomy involves removal of a malignant lesion from the breast while preserving its essential anatomy, while a mastectomy requires removal of the entire breast and neighboring tissue.

4.   Studies have shown that smokers have a significantly higher prevalence of developing leukoplakia, a malignant precancerous lesion, as compared to non smokers.

a. + lesion >>共 165
gastric 4.05%
precancerous 3.74%
small 3.43%
suspicious 2.80%
gastrointestinal 2.49%
cancerous 2.18%
upper 2.18%
cervical 1.87%
mucosal 1.87%
similar 1.87%
malignant 1.25%
malignant + n. >>共 83
tumor 21.61%
melanoma 10.95%
cell 10.66%
disease 6.05%
brain 5.48%
stricture 3.46%
growth 3.17%
tumour 3.17%
change 1.73%
cancer 1.44%
lesion 1.15%
每页显示:    共 4