1.   He described the allegations as malicious falsehoods.

2.   He described the article as grossly defamatory ... and said the case contained the essentials of a malicious falsehood action.

3.   An action related to passing-off is trade libel, sometimes referred to a malicious falsehood.

4.   Grappelli had to be content with an action for malicious falsehood.

5.   The action for malicious falsehood is much less favourable to plaintiffs than defamation.

6.   Firstly, legal aid is not available for libel, but it may be granted for malicious falsehood.

7.   He described the article as grossly defamatory... and said the case contained the essentials of a malicious falsehood action.

8.   There are key differences between libel and malicious falsehood.

a. + falsehood >>共 29
malicious 18.52%
publishing 12.96%
spreading 11.11%
outrageous 5.56%
blatant 3.70%
harmful 3.70%
knowing 3.70%
artful 1.85%
artless 1.85%
brazen 1.85%
malicious + n. >>共 135
intent 9.60%
prosecution 6.50%
damage 5.88%
code 3.72%
falsehood 3.10%
gossip 3.10%
rumor 3.10%
program 2.79%
hacker 2.48%
destruction 2.48%
每页显示:    共 10