1.   Research carried out by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine suggests that various species of malarial mosquito thrive in the wake of forests being opened up.

2.   Chiefly for this reason, the chlorine industry championed and won health-related exceptions for DDT, to control malarial mosquitoes.

3.   Faced with their contaminated well and the standing pools of water where malarial mosquitoes could breed, Castellon and other villagers are bracing for that possibility.

4.   The company is now working on malarial mosquito control, collaborating with several other institutions.

5.   Vast stretches of new swampland are a breeding-ground for malarial mosquitoes.

6.   When temperate regions warm up, they offer new habitats for malarial mosquitoes and the insects that transmit Chagas disease and other pandemic diseases.

7.   Fetid pools of water breed malarial mosquitoes and dysentery germs.

8.   He said heavy rains have left pools of stagnant water, allowing malarial mosquitoes to breed.

9.   Heavy rains more than two months ago left pools of stagnant water, allowing malarial mosquitoes to breed, said the officials.

10.   In the meantime, malarial mosquitoes were breeding by the thousands in the muddy water.

a. + mosquito >>共 153
infected 14.79%
female 7.12%
adult 4.66%
malaria-carrying 4.66%
disease-carrying 3.84%
malarial 3.29%
malaria-bearing 2.74%
local 1.64%
dead 1.64%
away 1.64%
malarial + n. >>共 21
mosquito 23.08%
parasite 21.15%
fever 11.54%
area 5.77%
drug 3.85%
prophylactic 3.85%
region 3.85%
enzyme 1.92%
epidemic 1.92%
infection 1.92%
每页显示:    共 12