1.   Casting ballots through Web sites has been offered as one election reform remedy to make voting as accessible and accurate as possible.

2.   The increased access in non-Republican areas could make voting easier for Democrats and independents, many of whom have said they are leaning toward John McCain.

3.   The increased statewide access in non-Republican areas could make voting easier for Democrats and independents, many of whom have said they are planning to support Sen. John McCain.

4.   Legal experts said although the new Constitution made voting mandatory among eligible voters, there would be no legal action taken against those who did not vote Sunday.

v. + vote >>共 113
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call 0.90%
make + v. >>共 446
know 11.77%
use 6.41%
say 4.93%
base 4.44%
regard 4.02%
be 3.45%
follow 2.82%
accord 2.68%
concern 1.76%
sell 1.34%
vote 0.28%
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