1.   A second classification was made using a supervised approach so that we could capitalize on our local knowledge of the study area.

2.   It is little short of a national disgrace that allocations are still being made using such a crude approach.

3.   One was made using a toilet roll.

4.   The garments were made using child labour.

5.   The video has been made using a highly-experienced cast of comedy actors and a top television light entertainment director.

6.   This apparent two-minute discrepancy should not compromise his accuracy, since comparative measurements should not be made using different instruments.

7.   The product is made using a secret formula that the company refuses to reveal.

8.   Since the population of adult males in Britain is many million, there are obvious savings to be made using these techniques.

9.   Differences in the microstructure of polydienes and copolymers can also be made using n.m.r.

v. + use >>共 672
make 4.49%
be 4.10%
put 2.52%
opt 2.37%
do 2.27%
create 2.07%
produce 1.58%
calculate 1.48%
develop 1.43%
build 1.38%
make + v. >>共 446
know 11.77%
use 6.41%
say 4.93%
base 4.44%
regard 4.02%
be 3.45%
follow 2.82%
accord 2.68%
concern 1.76%
sell 1.34%
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