1.   It is the loss of a comprehensive approach to citizenship that makes it appropriate to talk in terms of an emerging underclass.

2.   HCIMA welcomes such initiative and is pleased that the modular structure of the course makes it appropriate to these various study routes.

3.   Sometimes a popular edition will be based on a critical edition, making it appropriate for most uses.

4.   Aside from challenges of getting natural footage of wildlife, Casey faced the challenge of cutting graphic images from documentary footage to make it appropriate for the whole family.

5.   A. Two questions within a month make it appropriate to answer.

6.   McCann-Erickson has shot extra footage so the commercials can be re-edited and made more appropriate in local markets.

7.   This complexity serves well when it comes to genetics, and is also what makes DNA appropriate for passing secrets.

8.   He thought ballet should be reformed, with dance, music and painting fused and the style of dance made appropriate to the music and story.

v. + appropriate >>共 9
deem 41.13%
consider 22.70%
think 22.70%
make 6.38%
find 3.55%
believe 1.42%
call 0.71%
hold 0.71%
judge 0.71%
make + a. >>共 551
clear 10.20%
easier 9.48%
difficult 6.47%
public 6.16%
available 5.33%
possible 4.25%
sure 4.07%
harder 2.98%
impossible 2.59%
worse 2.59%
appropriate 0.02%
每页显示:    共 9