1.   These matters will, inter alia, include major acquisitions, budgets and contracts in which the directors have a personal interest.

2.   Analysts have speculated any major acquisition would be paid through a new stock sale.

3.   Analysts also said the lower-than-expected jubilee bonus could be a pointer to a major acquisition by the Swiss drug and chemicals maker.

4.   Analysts said Eli Lilly has made no secret of its desire to grow bigger, possibly through a major acquisition.

5.   Any later attempt by Malone to significantly increase his ownership in Time Warner would be subject to a separate antitrust review, like any other major acquisition.

6.   Banc One Corp. plans to wait for a slump in the U.S. banking business before it makes a major acquisition, its chief executive said.

7.   Banc One wants to make a major acquisition to reach its goal of becoming a national bank, McCoy said.

8.   Besides the scores of common little rodents, there are some major acquisitions.

9.   Belo, are already digesting major acquisitions, although he viewed Newhouse and Hearst as potential acquirers.

10.   Both companies are also digesting major acquisitions.

a. + acquisition >>共 376
recent 7.78%
proposed 6.46%
possible 6.18%
major 5.23%
new 4.32%
big 3.41%
further 3.32%
potential 2.96%
future 2.73%
planned 2.41%
major + n. >>共 1020
currency 3.00%
city 2.43%
problem 1.81%
change 1.52%
issue 1.36%
company 1.34%
role 1.22%
championship 1.15%
player 0.98%
bank 0.94%
acquisition 0.16%
每页显示:    共 114