1.   And maintenance costs for existing roads have increased as more streets Decay thanks to lack of upkeep.

2.   Can you afford the running costs and maintenance costs?

3.   However, with experience of rather higher levels of use an asphalt surface has now been added to reduce annual maintenance costs.

4.   In addition, there is the cost of accidents and fires resulting from smoking as well as cleaning and maintenance costs.

5.   Lineside signals will no longer be needed, with major savings in staffing and maintenance costs expected.

6.   So the maintenance costs are incurred on the vehicle itself, and not the track.

7.   The company continues to pay various maintenance costs as well.

8.   The savings on staff wages are offset by the increased maintenance costs.

n. + cost >>共 875
labor 11.41%
production 8.91%
energy 3.75%
fuel 2.97%
health 2.22%
drug 2.09%
transportation 1.94%
development 1.92%
construction 1.79%
maintenance 1.66%
maintenance + n. >>共 319
worker 11.70%
work 8.90%
cost 6.43%
crew 3.87%
problem 2.98%
man 2.80%
fee 2.28%
record 2.19%
service 1.86%
check 1.77%
每页显示:    共 137