1.   Embalmers maintain records such as embalming reports, and itemized lists of clothing or valuables delivered with the body.

2.   Failure to maintain proper records would be a criminal offence.

3.   Obviously it is necessary to maintain the records during the period of intervention.

4.   Organisational needs Organisations will need to collect information and maintain records for a range of internal management purposes.

5.   Bush thus maintained his record of never having had a veto overridden in Congress.

6.   To ensure that proper records are maintained for all work undertaken.

7.   The recognised body shall maintain a record of the identity of all persons, other than the member in whose name a share is registered, holding such interests.

8.   Organisations will need to collect information and maintain records for a range of internal management purposes.

9.   Organisations need to maintain certain records as part of the process of monitoring contract compliance, both by themselves and their trading partners.

v. + record >>共 728
have 11.38%
set 9.81%
keep 6.68%
break 6.42%
hold 2.03%
defend 1.69%
check 1.59%
reach 1.58%
hit 1.52%
make 1.41%
maintain 1.03%
maintain + n. >>共 867
innocence 4.21%
control 3.78%
tie 3.11%
relation 2.70%
order 2.50%
contact 2.47%
security 1.56%
stability 1.39%
sanction 1.33%
peace 1.24%
record 0.63%
每页显示:    共 80